Join us at The Exchange for an evening of music and stories from our friends and neighbors on the theme “Face Value”.
Portraiture has captivated viewers for centuries. In addition to likeness, portraits have the ability to convey mood, personality, and complex emotions. How can you make a portrait in words? Or, looking at the theme in its colloquial way, do you have a story to tell about something that you took at face value and then learned differently about it?
You can share through spoken word, in prose or poetry, or song — no prior experience necessary, but we would like to talk to you ahead of time about what you plan to present (and please, keep it no more than PG-13): Please call or e-mail to sign up — 570-317-2596 or
Limited audience seating in the Exchange Gallery available: Please call or e-mail to make a reservation if you can — 570-317-2596, Donations accepted at the door — $10 suggested, anything accepted.
We will record the event for later upload to YouTube.
In the Exchange Gallery March 18th through April 26th, “Face Value”: The Exchange invites you to submit artwork to our first portraiture show. All media accepted, and as always from ALL artists of all ages and levels of experience. We have only one rule: The work must fit through our front door.
Image above: “Every Battle Shapes Her” by Tiffany Marie